Translations of the Declaration and General Principles of the Suiheisha (Levelers' Association) ? Distribution available for a fee

Celebrating the eightieth anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration and General Principles of the Suiheisha, the Buraku Liberation and Human Rights Research Institute (BLHRRI) has translated them into eight languages: Ainu, Chinese, English, French, German, Korean, Russian and Spanish.

The Zenkoku Suiheisha (National Levelers' Association) was founded in Kyoto, Japan, on the third of March 1922, in order to work towards eradicating discrimination against Buraku people. The Declaration that was adopted during the founding assembly is regarded as Japan's first declaration of human rights. Since its adoption, the Declaration, together with its associated General Principles, has continued to exert an enormous influence in many different areas of Japanese society.

BLHRRI believes that people can still learn much from the Suiheisha Declaration and General Principles, especially as we work towards making the twenty-first century a century where human rights will be respected.

We would be grateful if you could send us your translations of the Declaration and General Principles in any other languages that are not mentioned above.

To order a copy, please send an international reply coupon along with your address and the number of copies you would like to:

Buraku Liberation and Human Rights Research Institute

1-6-12 Kuboyoshi, Naniwa-ku, 556-0028 Japan

Fax: +81-6-6568-0714 E-mail: